Thursday, October 15, 2009


Last night I took the girls to their first Awana meeting. Awana is a cool club that young people can attend where they learn God's word in a fun and exciting way. Last night was the annual Family Pizza Night and B.A.R.F. night, so I got to stay and walk through the program with the Grace (Emma Jo went with her age group on her own).
There are three age groups for Awana, Cubbies (PreSchool), Sparks (K-2nd), T&T (3rd-6th). The Awana night is divided into three sections, Games, Large Group and Small Group. Games is just what you would think. Everyone in that age group meets in the Gym and plays games. The Sparks played Dodge Ball (and really enjoyed trying to get the leaders). The T&Ts played kickball (and Emma Jo's team won!).
During Large Group everyone in that age group meets in the Chapel and sings songs and learns a Bible lesson. Last nights lesson involved a colorful bracelet which can be an aid to help spread the message of Christianity. The leader explained what each of the colors represented, gave a Bible verse to support it and then passed out bracelets to each of the children.
This was also where Grace found out what B.A.R.F. night is. It stands for Bring A Real Friend. Since Katrina brought Grace, they each got $20 Awana Dollars! Next week is "Store Night" where the kids get to buy prizes with the Awana Bucks they have earned.
The last part of the evening was Small Groups. During this time the kids go over their workbooks and practice their verses and activities. Successful memorization of a verse or completion of an activity earns them Awana Bucks and jewels or patches for their vest or shirt. Emma Jo ended the night with $31 Awana Bucks because she completed two activities.
They talked about the night all the way home and then had to share each of the details with Daddy. The only concern I have is the time. My kids are pretty well trained to go to bed at 8pm and get up at 6:30am every day. Last night we didn't get to bed until 8:30 and the kids didn't fall asleep until 9. We'll see how today goes...

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