Thursday, July 15, 2010

Quiet Week

This week as been very quiet at our house. Sunday afternoon both of the girls went off to week-long sleep-over camps. Emma Jo spending the week at Mt. Gilead Bible Camp. Jason and I drove her out there on Sunday afternoon. She was so excited, but a little nervous. She must have asked me a dozen times if I had requested any of her friends to be in her cabin. She was so worried she wouldn't know anyone and would be lonely. When we arrived we discovered that not only was Anna F. in her cabin (whom I had requested) but there were actually four girls from school/church in her cabin. And three more in the cabin next door! We got a letter from her yesterday and it sounded like she was having a blast!

Grammie and Grampa watched the little kids while we were dropping Emma at camp. After dinner, Gracie went home with them. She was planning a week at "Grammie Camp" so that she could be big like her sister. Grace loves to spend the night at Grammie's and has been begging to send a week there. We agreed that the week Emma was gone would be the perfect timing. I heard the sleeping didn't go so well the first night (with Grace crawling in between Grammie and Grampa in the middle of the night) but everything has been great since then. She calls every night to share a highlight of the day, but is quick to hang up and get back to the fun with her grandparents.
I think Grampa is having as much fun as Grace. We got this email from him yesterday: What a joy it is to have Gracie visiting. I enjoy seeing her skipping from the house, coming to visit me in the vegetable garden; not a worry in the world. I told her last night I might have to leave this morning before she was up and that I wished her a good day. She comes up to me and said for me to come to her room and wake her up, that she would give me a hug and a kiss. I went in there this morning, but she was sleeping so comfortably that I could not bring myself to waking her to give her a hug. It is wonderful that she seems so comfortable.

Cooper is the only one at home this week. He reminds us that he is at "Mommy Camp". He has asked a couple of times where Gracie and Sissy are but for the most part he is pretty happy to have Mommy and Daddy to himself. He has been enjoying working in the garden and workshop with Daddy and watching movies with Mommy.

It is nice to have such a quiet week because it will be anything but quiet in less than 10 days when the baby get here!

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