Monday, December 15, 2008

We survived!

It has been one tough weekend. I don't think we have had everyone in our family healthy since Halloween. This past weekend it was Jason and I who were sick. Thursday was Jason's birthday and he decided to come home early from work. I thought it was coming home to celebrate, but it turned out he was feeling rotten and took a nap. I was feeling about the same but had tons of work to do with the holiday shipping deadline rapidly approaching, so it was a full day of work for me. Friday I was off since Connie was headed to Lake Tahoe for the weekend. Cooper and I did a little Christmas shopping, went to his 1 year checkup (a little late) and then came home for naps. By Friday afternoon I was feeling okay, but Jason was still not feeling well.

Saturday was a quiet day. The kids and I played and got ready for the Christmas tree while Daddy took it easy in bed. In the afternoon, Emma Jo went to the Girl Scouts Elves Workshop while Grace and I got our nails painted. It is always so fun to have one-on-one time with the kids. It doesn't happen nearly often enough and whenever it does I wonder why we don't take the time to do it more often. Grace and I had a lot of fun together. Saturday night the kids and I had pizza and tried to stay quiet so that hopefully Daddy would be better by morning.

Everyone was feeling a little better by Sunday morning. Daddy was up and cooking breakfast and then it was off to the mall. We did all of our shopping for gifts that need to be mailed and came home a started wrapping. Daddy did retreat to the bedroom while we were wrapping, to take a nap and watch some football. We had planned on getting our Christmas tree on Sunday but unfortunately it rained and rained and Cooper took an extra long nap in the afternoon. Those two things made us delay and hopefully get it this evening.

Grammie and Grampa came over for dinner Sunday night, and brought Papa Murphys (thanks!). It was nice to see them and relaxing to sit around and talk about the family and holidays. The girls each sang some songs and showed them their favorite Christmas ornaments. Cooper showed them his moves with his newest "head dance" and clapping. Grammie and Grampa also brought over an early Christmas present for Mommy, a new camera! My old one was been showing its age lately and I'm so excited to try out the new one. Hopefully there will be no more yellow blurs on our pictures! Grandpa picked out the Nikon Coolpix S60. It looks like a great little camera with more features than I could ever use, such an improvement over my Sony SureShot I got when Gracie was born.

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