Saturday, July 25, 2009

Great Day!

I still have one day of our Disneyland trip to recount, hopefully I'll get to it soon, but today was too good of a day not to share. It started out as a typical Saturday. Jason had to work and I was home alone with the kids. I felt like sleeping in, but it never turns out to be a good day when I don't get my shower in before the first kid wakes up. This morning at 6:00 I decided I needed to jump into the shower because Cooper would be up any minute. As I threw back the covers, Grace walked in my door. I invited her into my bed and we snuggled for a few minutes. Then I told her I needed to take a shower and offered for her to watch Mickey Mouse until I was done. She was very happy to get to watch her show and have the bed to herself.
After all three kids were awake we decided to make breakfast. Emma Jo was in charge of the scrambled eggs and I made pancakes. We all sat at the table together and really enjoyed each other's company. After breakfast everyone got dressed, brushed their hair and brushed their teeth. We started some laundry, set Rosie to vacuum Cooper's room and took Lucy to the groomers. Then we went by the dry cleaners and Funky Monkey to put the deposit on Grace's party next weekend. While we were at Funky Monkey we decided to play some games and ride some of the rides. I really enjoyed watching the kids play together. The girls did a great job looking out for Cooper and including him in their fun. Emma Jo was a fantastic big sister and helped both Cooper and Grace with the jungle gym.
By the end of the day, all of the bedrooms had been vacuumed, all of the dirty clothes had been washed, folded and put away, and everyone was still in a good mood. Dinner was BBQ steak and corn. While Jason was cooking we enjoyed the evening air while the kids played on the swing set and slide and built sandcastles.
All in all it was a great day. We got lots accomplished but still felt relaxed at the end of the day.

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